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Tag: July 2018

From Baseball to Auto Entrepreneur

Chris Donohoo has twice ranked among the fastest growing companies in UAB’s Excellence in Business program.

Career Notes, July 2018

Who's moving up?

Alabama Gold Assayed

Paul Wellborn is having a go at exploration up on Hog Mountain. It’s the closest Alabama has come to rekindling the great Chilton County Gold Rush. Just don’t tell the weekenders ganging up at Gold Camp in Cragford.

What is Wealth?

However you measure it, it’s more about value than currency.

Black Gold

More than six decades of oil and gas production in Alabama extends from Huntsville to the Gulf of Mexico.

Financial Planning 101

Alabama experts offer tips for managing your money at each stage of your career.

How the Rich Stay Rich

Banks offer special services to help wealthy clients protect their funds and not-quite-so-wealthy ones climb the ladder.

What’s in a Name?

Millions of dollars a year, if that name is “Alabama”

Complying with GDPR: Where Are Your Blind Spots?

Explore the common misunderstandings that may help you as you assess whether your company has any obligations under GDPR.

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