Tag: November 2015
A Pickles and Salsa Partnership
In the Wiregrass, vegetable farming and canning are investment grade traditions. A public-private partnership expects to generate jobs and new enterprise — including pickled veggies and salsas — as dependable as the area’s agricultural roots.
For Clearing the Head, Beats Fishing
For most people, the daily drive involves dealing with crowded roadways and trying to avoid erratic drivers. It is a necessary evil required...
Normalization Just Around the Corner?
Here’s a riddle: Who hasn’t done anything for six years but can still cause the Standard & Poor’s 500 Index to plummet based on...
Crowdfunded Development, or Investment Bank Snipe?
It posted Sept. 29, under the headline “All Eyes on Crowdfunded Loans Tucked Into Commercial Real Estate Bonds: Morgan Stanley points to crowdfunding...
Auburn at Epicenter of Next Industrial Revolution
3D printing — the process of making three-dimensional solid objects from a digital file — has moved far beyond the sci-fi and hobbyist markets...
Culinary Creativity
With access to Alabama’s abundance of fresh fish, meats, cheese, vegetables and fruit, it’s no wonder Alabama chefs — from fine-dining...
Creating the Perfect Tractor for Cuba
Horace Clemmons and Saul Berenthal are at a tradeshow in Cuba this month to promote an Alabama-based tractor company they plan to build near...
Final BP Oil Spill Tort Tally
It ain’t over til it’s over, baseball philosopher Yogi Berra often counseled, but save for the molecular-level environmental consequences, a still-open...
Auburn Wins Biggest TV Contest
On a recent sad weekend in which neither the University of Alabama nor Auburn University won its Saturday college football game, a video...
Putting Personalized Medicine in Orbit
Modern health care is in a constant race to develop the best drug in the shortest amount of time for the lowest price. One...