Tag: April 2016
Writing for the Judge
Lawyers are lionized in movies for their abilities as orators, but in real life, it’s their gifts for crafting written arguments that...
A Spirited Adventure
Up the holler and right downtown, pioneers are reawakening a long-hidden art — dusting off recipes and practicing an alchemy that existed long...
CollegeCounts — Alabama’s Rebuilt 529 Plan
When Jamie Duboise was in third grade, her parents put money in the Alabama 529 Prepaid Affordable College Tuition plan. She received a...
Robo Tech Complete
As the final phase nears completion early this year, the Robotics Technology Park (RTP) in north Alabama remains the only facility of its...
College Management Reformation
Mark Heinrich, who has been the chancellor of the Alabama Community College System since 2012, this year began one of his toughest...
Spotlight on Covington, Butler, Crenshaw & Lowndes Counties
Covington, Butler, Crenshaw and Lowndes counties, located in southeast Alabama, are close to military bases, the capital city, ...
ArcelorMittal Bets on Auto Steel Redemption
The fortunes of steelmaking have hardened since Lakshmi Mittal, chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal, came to Calvert two years ago as part...
Charles and Patsy Collat School of Business The University of Alabama at Birmingham “I am blessed to have the means to help, ” says...
Legal Advice From on High
When Ken Riley, a Birmingham liability lawyer, goes out to survey an automobile accident scene, he usually takes his camera-equipped drone...
Black Belt Green
Teaming with former first lady Marsha Folsom, this Seattle couple, who made bamboo a mainstay in home flooring in the U.S., are forging another bamboo coup — in Alabama’s Black Belt.