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Otelco To Be Acquired by Oak Hill Capital

Otelco Inc. (NASDAQ: OTEL), an Alabama public company specializing in broadband services to rural areas of the U.S., including north Alabama, will be transforming...

Otelco Reflects COVID Internet Surge in Rural Alabama

A small internet service provider in North Alabama gives a good insight into how the virus crisis is affecting internet usage in more rural...

Little Telecom Targets the Digital Divide

North Alabama-based Otelco is one of the 25 largest of the 800 local exchange carriers in the U.S. It’s positioned to profit on the closing of the digital divide in rural America.

Pioneer Telecom OTELCO Expands Alabama Broadband

OTELCO, a pioneer independent telecom, announces it is investing more than $5 million to improve broadband connectivity in Alabama.

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