Wallace State Community College’s Mechatronics/Electronics/Robotics program will receive new equipment through an Alabama Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship Program grant developed by the Alabama Community College System.
The program has either received or will receive soon the following equipment: fluid power hydraulics/pneumatics, Siemens and Allen Bradley PLC trainers, AC/DC training systems, industrial motor controls training systems, electromechanical trainers, pump and mechanical drive training system.
In addition, program head Jerry Murcks and instructors Dean Autry and James McKenzie have multiple NC3 certifications in electricity, fluid power, sensor technology and PLCs (both Siemens and Allen Bradley). The NC3 certified courses now include concepts of direct current, concepts of alternating current, hydraulics/pneumatics, sensors technologies and applications, intro to PLCs and advanced PLCs.
“Once our students complete these specific courses, they’ll carry the certifications to any job they choose across the U.S. This is an important step for our instructors, students and program,” said Murcks. “The NC3 certification curriculum is detailed and great education for our instructors.”
NC3 is a network of education providers and corporations that set high standards for innovative CTE models that produce a highly skilled workforce.
In addition to mechatronics, Wallace State also offers NC3 training in automotive service technology, building construction, collision repair, diesel technology, engineering technology, HVAC, machine tool technology and welding.