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Tag: Spotlight

Spotlight on Pike, Barbour & Bullock: Health Care

Three medical centers serve the residents of Pike, Barbour and Bullock counties.

Spotlight on Pike, Barbour & Bullock: Movers & Shapers

The individuals who help shape the communities in Pike, Barbour and Bullock counties, including Philip Clayton of the Eufaula Barbour Chamber of Commerce.

Spotlight on Pike, Barbour & Bullock: Economic Engines

Agriculture, aerospace, wood products, marine electronics and more make up the economies of these three counties.

Spotlight on Chilton County

Known for peach production, Chilton County officials are attracting new businesses while continuing to boost outdoor recreational opportunities.

Spotlight on Chilton County: Economic Engines

Automotive suppliers, metalworking, wood products and more make up Chilton County's economy.

Spotlight on Chilton: Movers & Shapers

The individuals who help shape the communities in Chilton County, including Dylan Wallace, a sales representative with W.H. Thomas Oil.

Spotlight on Chilton: Health Care

Ascension St. Vincent's Chilton serves residents and visitors of Chilton County.

Spotlight on Chilton: Community Development

Chilton County and its municipalities are upgrading parks and roadways, expanding broadband and attracting new industries to the area.

Spotlight on Chilton: Culture & Recreation

From Peach Jam Jubilee to the Maplesville Birding Trail, Chilton County has amenities for everyone.

Spotlight: Calhoun & Talladega counties

These two east Alabama counties are focused on building a strong workforce and providing quality of life and amenities for residents.

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