Home Tags November 2013

Tag: November 2013

Launch Funding for Innovative Companies

Alabama sees the value in funding innovative and creative companies. The development of these companies, as well as enticing them to stay in the...

Businesses and the Creativity and Innovation Behind Them

It was the need for creativity — for something new — that resulted in the U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), which is built...

Creative Investment Management

Like most executives’ offices, David Bronner’s is equipped with all the necessary supplies to get him through a typical workday, which in Bronner’s case...

Busby Builds his Company

If Jim Busby were to write a book, it might be called “How to tinker your way onto the New York Stock Exchange.” While the...

Ah-oo-gah and Other Alabama Greats

Robert Van de Graaff demonstrates a 1.5 million-volt electrostatic generator at an alumni dinner in a ballroom at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1933. Robert...

Long Fixes her Problem

Drew Ann Long saw a problem and fixed it. The Alabaster mom was frustrated when her trips to the store included an entourage of helpers...

Full Throttle Innovation

Montgomery-based Knox Kershaw Inc. (KKI), a respected manufacturer of railroad track maintenance equipment, has a long history of innovation and deep roots in the...

Harvesting Electricity to Recharge Mobile Devices Wirelessly

Harvesting the energy from radio waves is the science behind a new company — E-Electricity — that is using $23, 500 it won in...

Ideas From Alabama Edisons

Virtually everything we consider essential to daily life started with an idea. There’s a fine line between crazy and ingenious, yet some of the...

Intergraph: Software Victories and Avocent: a Golden Gizmo

Intergraph Hardware Wars to Software Victories In the late ’80s, Intergraph Corp. was the premiere high tech company in Alabama, even before high tech was perceived...

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