Huntsville tops Birmingham in census; Protective Life to host Mark Cuban bootcamp; Alabama incentives transparency

2020 number show Baldwin and Madison counties gaining a lot of ground.

Census data says Huntsville is Alabama’s largest city

Detailed information from the 2020 Census shows that Huntsville surpassed Birmingham to become the state’s largest city. Madison and Baldwin Counties showed strong growth throughout the last decade. – Alabama Political Reporter

Protective Life to host Mark Cuban AI bootcamp

Birmingham-based Protective Life is one of 16 host companies selected nationwide for the Mark Cuban Foundation Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp for underserved high-school students this fall. The four-Saturday event, to be held Oct. 23-Nov. 13, will introduce basic AI concepts and skills. Applications are open through Aug. 27 at – Alabama NewsCenter

Group: Alabama not transparent about industrial incentives

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Jobs to Move America, a worker advocacy and research nonprofit, says Alabama does a poor job compared to other states in disclosing information about industrial incentive given to lure jobs to the state.  Commerce Secretary defended the state’s use of incentives, saying there are many examples where they played a role in industrial growth and job creation. –


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