Law and Government

Get Ready for Crowdfunding — Free Enterprise with a Shadow Side

Life without the Internet is hard to recall, even if you’re old enough for AARP membership. Few of us could last a day at...

Law Grads Face a Stern Market

Odds are, Grant Cofer has already heard more jokes about this than he ever wanted to. But between preparing for the bar...

Women on the Front Line

Just turn on the TV and there are the female lawyers in skimpy skirts and sky-high heels, more concerned with their messy...

Martin Marietta's Mad Men Blitz Kiboshed

In the spring of 2010, Vulcan Materials Inc. CEO Don James was seriously studying the next big deal—a merger by the Birmingham-based...

Top Dollar Jury Awards

1. Mannsfeld v. Ineos Americas LLC, et al Most people—on a good day—might be lucky to get a penny for their...

What are Two Huge Economic Coups Worth?

Our May issue for the year 2002 reported the April 1 announcement by Hyundai Motor Co. that it would build a $1 billion...

Our Newest Capital Immigrants

During the past several years, international companies have made major investments in Alabama, helping to transform the state’s economic landscape. For...

Interview: Robert Cunningham of Cunningham Bounds

Robert Cunningham is one of two Alabama trial lawyers on the panel of 15 that comprise the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee—the group of lawyers representing...

Top White Collar Cop Inspects Dodd-Frank

We talked recently with the state’s top securities regulator about the Dodd-Frank Financial Reform Act, designed—with many policy details still to be...

Oil Spill Panel Unloads

The national panel charged with assessing the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill issued its report last month, calling for widespread reforms in...

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