Jennifer Williams
Skills for Success brings training to businesses and workers across Alabama
Alabama Community College System is bridging the gap of worker shortages by offering a number of certificate and workforce programs.
Real people pose as patients to enhance medical training
Standardized Patient programs allow students to practice clinical skills in a realistic yet risk-free environment
Delivering on newborn care at Cullman Regional
As many hospitals cut back on obstetrics and nurseries, Cullman Regional expands.
Local banks help the people they serve
Community banks serve their customers by volunteering and helping local charities, schools and organizations.
Autocar continues to innovate in Alabama
Autocar has been manufacturing vocational trucks for 125 years, adapting to the market as it changed — most recently adding EV components.
Alabama trade tidbits: What are our customers buying?
What is being exported from Alabama and where is it going.
Export Alabama helps businesses navigate the world of international trade
A coordinated effort is needed to navigate the ins and outs of international trade.
Teaching the business of sports
Samford University's Center for Sports Analytics preps students for the non-athletic side of sports.
Cerrowire expansion brings jobs, opportunities for North Alabama community
A new 270,000-square-foot metal clad cable plant has opened in Morgan Center Business Park.
Northrop Grumman moves forward with NGI in Huntsville following success
Company plans to keep new space operations here despite Space Command move.