The Alabama Community College System and the University of Mobile have recently announced the extension of plans through the spring semester to deliver online course content during the COVID-19 pandemic.
ACCS also announced that due to restrictions on event sizes by state and federal officials, all traditional commencement activities will be postponed.
“Every decision concerning the operations of Alabama’s community colleges is being made with the health and safety of our students, faculty, staff and administrators at the forefront,” said ACCS Chancellor Jimmy Baker.
“While we couldn’t have imagined what this semester would look like for our colleges, I am incredibly grateful for the creativity, resilience and commitment to learning shown by our faculty, staff and students during this difficult time.”
ACCS colleges plan summer courses and will announce, as the situation develops, how they will be offered. For continued updates and to view already issued directives to ACCS colleges, visit accs.edu/coronavirus.
University of Mobile President Lonnie Burnett said that “it appears unlikely” that a spring commencement ceremony will be held, but a final decision has not been made. If spring commencement is postponed, the university would hold a Dec. 12 commencement ceremony on the lawn, giving Spring 2020 graduates the opportunity to experience the UM tradition of touching the globe to signify going out into the world.
The Fall 2020 schedule is now viewable on MyUM and the Summer 2020 schedule will be posted soon. Students should contact their advisors with any questions.
“When I accepted this position, I said that I was certain of two things. First, this university has the best people in the world, and second, our God is faithful,” Burnett wrote to students. “Having witnessed your response to this challenge, I have never been more convinced that I am correct.”
For more information about the University of Mobile, visit the website at www.umobile.edu or call enrollment services at 1-800-WIN-RAMS or 251-442-2222.