A UAB grant for $1.83 million from the Health Resources and Services Administration will allow a researcher at UAB’s School of Nursing to study improving the behavioral health workforce through partnerships.
University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Nursing Associate Professor and Assistant Dean for Clinical and Community Programs Michele Talley will work to improve the distribution of the behavioral health workforce through new and existing partnerships.
“This grant-funded project not only addresses HRSA’s priorities of trying to improve mental health access and care and trying to increase the behavioral health workforce, but also is improving community partnerships and working to meet the state of Alabama’s identified health needs,” Talley said. “Behavioral health problems impact one in five adults, and one in 25 adults admits severe problems. However, only 7% receive treatment. By training the next generation of behavioral health providers, we can improve access to care and the quality of care.”
As part of the UAB grant project, master’s and doctoral nurse practitioner students focusing on psychiatric mental health, master’s-level social work students, and psychiatric medical students will receive training in high-need and high-demand clinical sites, including Bibb Medical Center, UAB Hospital Adolescent Psychiatric Inpatient Unit and the Nurse Family Partnership of Central Alabama. They will receive hands-on experience and training as part of interprofessional teams, integrated behavioral health, trauma-informed care, telehealth and resilience while they address the needs of patients across the lifespan.
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