Saints owner invests in Huntsville MidCity; Alabama plant to settle lawsuit; Southern Research awarded $3 million for biotech initiative; Gulf Shores resort construction has started

Benson Capital Partners, an investment fund founded by New Orleans Saints owner and New Orleans Pelican governor Gayle Benson, has invested $5.7 million in MidCity District in Huntsville

Saints owner invests in Huntsville MidCity

Benson Capital Partners, an investment fund founded by New Orleans Saints owner and New Orleans Pelicans governor Gayle Benson, has invested $5.7 million in MidCity District in Huntsville. MidCity District is a $2.2 billion mixed-use development. – ReBusiness Online


Alabama plant to settle lawsuit

Mueller Co., a gas and water distribution product manufacturer, and IH Services, which provides cleaning services to Mueller facilities, have agreed to pay $150,000 to settle claims of sexual harassment and retaliation at Mueller’s fire hydrant manufacturing plant in Albertville. – News 19

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Southern Research awarded $3 million in tax credits

Innovate Alabama has awarded Birmingham-based Southern Research about $3 million in tax credits to launch an initiative to attract biotech firms to Alabama and support existing startup companies. The money will fund the Therapeutics Development Fund at Southern Research.  – Birmingham Times


Gulf Shores resort construction is under way

The Embassy Suites Gulf Shores, a resort overlooking the Gulf of Mexico, has broken ground. Birmingham’s Robins & Morton is general contractor on the project. – Robins & Morton

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