Protective Life launching new company; ServisFirst moving to NYSTE

Protective Life launching new company
Birmingham-based Protective Life Corp. will launch Concourse Financial Group, a company that brings together Protective’s insurance and financial planning effort. Doyle Williams, currently a Protective senior vice president, will be CEO of the new venture, which is scheduled to launch July 19. – Protective Life

ServisFirst moving from NASDAQ to NYSTE
The listing of ServisFirst BancShares’ common stock will transfer from the NASDAQ Global Select Market to the New York Stock Exchange on June 21.  Birmingham-based ServisFirst Bank was formed in May 2005 and has offices in Atlanta, Birmingham, Dothan, Huntsville, Mobile, Montgomery and other markets. – ServisFirst Bank

Heflin industrial park gets first tenant
Barbaras, a California-based textile company, will be the first tenant in Heflin’s industrial park, with plans for a 60,000-square-foot facility that will add 30 jobs to the area. That announcement came as the city was awarded just over $1 million from the Alabama Department of Transportation to build an access road to the park.  – The Anniston Star

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