Lyash will retire as TVA head; Pettus named lead pastor at Church of the Highlands; Joann says Alabama facility may close; Citizens Trust Bank names Alabama president

Jeff Lyash, CEO and president of the Tennessee Valley Authority, says he will retire this year no later than Sept. 30.

Lyash will retire as TVA head

Jeff Lyash, CEO and president of the Tennessee Valley Authority, says he will retire this year no later than Sept. 30, which is the end of the utility’s fiscal year. Lyash has been at TVA since 2019. – Knoxville News Sentinel

Pettus named lead pastor at Church of the Highlands

Mark Pettus, president of Highlands College, started by Church of the Highlands, is leaving that post to become lead pastor of the church. Pettus replaces Chris Hodges, who will take on a new role as founding pastor and will remain chancellor of Highlands College. – Vestavia Voice

Joann says Alabama facility may close

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Crafting and fabrics retailer Joann says it will close its distribution center in Opelika if the company doesn’t find a court-approved buyer. The plant employs almost 250 people. –

Citizens Trust Bank names Alabama president

Walvid D. King Sr. is the new Alabama market president for Citizens Trust Bank. The bank is headquartered in Atlanta. – PR Newswire

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