Fantasy Playhouse Children’s Theater & Academy, a fixture in Huntsville for 60 years, has launched a capital campaign to build a new theater for $11-$12 million.
The complex will include a 35,700-square-foot theater arts campus and performance venue, including a 355-seat theater. All of FPCTA’s education and theater programming will be under one roof.
“Our community is the most important part of why we do what we do,” said Karen Mockensturm, FPCTA’s executive director. “The new Fantasy Playhouse campus will be a high-profile, accessible arts and culture destination for families, building on our organization’s legacy and providing the exact theater arts education programming opportunities that families relocating to our area expect for their children.”
The City of Huntsville has pledged $2 million to the effort, which also already has support from Torch Technologies, The Daniel Foundation, Facebook and others. The fundraising campaign is called “Spotlight on the Future.”
The facility will be built on 5.5 acres at the corner of Holmes Avenue and Triana Boulevard.