Lilly Ledbetter dead at 86; Appeals court upholds Alabama steelmaker ruling; Hoover considering plan for more development at Tattersall Park; Poarch Creek business wins NASA award

Lilly Ledbetter, whose fight against Gadsden’s Goodyear plant led to the Fair Pay Act of 2009, has died at age 86

Lilly Ledbetter dead at 86

Lilly Ledbetter, whose fight against Gadsden’s Goodyear plant led to the Fair Pay Act of 2009, has died at age 86. A feature film about her, “Lilly,” starring Patricia Clarkson, premiered last week at the Hamptons International Film Festival.  – Alabama Political Reporter

Appeals court upholds Alabama steelmaker ruling

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals has upheld a judgment against Outokumpu Stainless USA saying the steelmaker improperly calculated wages at its Calvert plant. The court vacated the $13 million awarded in damages and asked the lower court for more information on its reasoning. –

Hoover considering plan for 300 apartments, more at Tattersall Park

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The Hoover Planning and Zoning Commission on Monday night will consider plans for more development in Tattersall Park that will include more than 300 multi-family housing units, a hotel and retail development on 33 acres. The proposed development is called Tattersall Park Village Center. – Hoover Sun

Poarch Creek’s Media Fusion wins NASA award

The Poarch Band of Creek Indians’ Media Fusion company was awarded the Small Business Prime Contractor of the Year Award by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center. – News 5

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