Huntsville company among those tapped for NASA Artemis contracts; Sigma Defense opens Huntsville facility; TVA sets record

NASA on Thursday awarded contracts to nine American companies, including Huntsville’s Special Aerospace Services, to support its Artemis campaign for deep-space exploration.

Huntsville company among those NASA taps for Artemis contracts

NASA on Thursday awarded contracts to nine American companies, including Huntsville’s Special Aerospace Services, to support its Artemis campaign for deep-space exploration. The nine proposals that received contracts have a combined value of $24 million.  – PR Newswire

Sigma Defense opens Huntsville facility

Sigma Defense Systems, a defense technology company based in Perry, Georgia, has opened a new facility in Huntsville. The 12,000-square-foot office will serve customers across the Department of Defense. – Sigma Defense Systems

TVA sets record

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The Tennessee Valley Authority’s power generation system met the highest peak demand in the agency’s 91-year history this week. That record-breaking power demand comes after TVA invested $430 million in 2024 to enhance its reliability. TVA delivers power across seven southeastern states, including Alabama. – Tennessee Valley Authority

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