Union Springs-based Bonnie Plants has donated $200,000 to ampleharvest.org as it works to combat food insecurity caused by COVID-19.
Moreover, the firm that provides starter plants for gardeners across the country has surveyed its customers and discovered that more and more of them are growing extra and donating to local food pantries. Bonnie Plants inaugurated the Grow More. Feed More. Initiative last year to encourage their customers.
In the survey, 41% of gardeners say they donate to food pantries. Some 60% of gardeners who donated produce this year did so for the first time, the survey found.
“Thanks to this significant donation from Bonnie Plants, we’ve been able to overhaul AmpleHarvest.org in a major way,” said AmpleHarvest.org founder Gary Oppenheimer. The organization is working on improvements to its website that will make it easier for gardeners to connect with food pantries, he added.
“Sadly, millions of Americans will still struggle with food insecurity long after the pandemic is behind us, which is why Bonnie’s commitment to fighting hunger will continue for years to come,” said Bonnie Plants President and CEO Mike Sutterer. “We’re more optimistic than ever thanks to all of the members of the gardening community who are joining us by donating their harvests to help make a difference.”