Birmingham Public Library Furloughs 158 Employees

The Birmingham Public Library is furloughing 158 full-time and part-time employees effective Sept. 25.

The move comes in the wake of a $63 million city budget shortfall caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a release from the library.

“During these difficult COVID-19 and challenging economic times, public libraries and BPL are more relevant and needed now than ever before,” BPL Executive Director Floyd Council said.

The Central Library in downtown Birmingham will re-open for in-person service beginning Oct. 1. Curbside services will continue at four regional libraries.

The Eastwood Branch Library will be permanently closed, but no decision has been made about the library’s 18 other locations, the library said.

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“We are now focused on employee furlough aftercare and reopening Central Library to start recovery for future plans of service beyond COVID-19,” Council said.

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