Auburn’s student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers is celebrating a milestone in 2021 — it turns 100 years old.
The chapter was the first student chapter in the Deep South and one of the first in the nation, according to Auburn.
And the chapter is thriving.
“We have a membership of over 100 students, and we’re still growing,” said Melanie Monaghan, president of the chapter. “We’re proud of the opportunities for involvement we provide.”
Among other things, the ASCE chapter at Auburn hosts steel bridge and concrete canoe competitions. In the first, students create scale models of bridges; in the second, they design a canoe and compete in races.
The Auburn ASCE earned praise from its national parent organization.
“ASCE is proud of the Auburn University ASCE student chapter and of the generations of students, faculty and practitioners who have made it possible for this student chapter to thrive for 100 years,” said Beth Wiley, senior manager of student and younger member programs for ASCE. “We realize that the future of ASCE rests with our student members, and we are grateful for their commitment to their student chapters and the profession.”