Most citizens think about accountants right around tax time, but for businesses, accountants are a vital part of day-to-day activities.
Forbes recently partnered with Statista to create a listing of the most recommended tax and accounting services firms in the United States. The companies considered 1,800 survey responses from CPAs, enrolled agents, tax lawyers, accountants and CFOs to create their America’s Best Tax and Accounting Firm listing. This year’s list showcases 227 firms, with 202 of them recommended for tax services and 115 recommended for accounting services. Some firms were recommended for both.
Of course, the big four firms in the U.S. — Deloitte, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Ernst & Young and KPMG — all made the listing. All four of these firms have locations in Birmingham. PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP is the largest of the Big Four if ranked by number of CPAs in Alabama. PwC has 92 CPAs in the state, followed by Ernst & Young with 59, Deloitte & Touche LLP with 43 and KPMG LLP with 25 CPAs in Alabama.
In addition to the Big Four, Alabama had seven firms to make the listing. If ranked by number of CPAs in Alabama, some of these firms are larger than the Big Four. Here are the other seven firms to make Forbes’ listing:
Carr, Riggs & Ingram LLC, of Enterprise, was recommended for tax and accounting services. Founded in 1997, it has 105 CPAs in Alabama.
BMSS LLC, in Birmingham, was recommended for its tax services. Founded in 1991, the firm has 88 CPAs in Alabama.
Jackson Thornton & Co. PC, of Montgomery, made the list for both tax and accounting services. Founded in 1919, it has 78 CPAs in Alabama.
JamisonMoneyFarmer PC, of Tuscaloosa, was recommended for tax and accounting services. Founded in 1920, it has 51 CPAs in Alabama.
Aldridge Borden & Co. PC, of Montgomery, was recommended for both tax and accounting services. Founded in 1918, the firm has 27 CPAs in Alabama.
Anglin Reichmann Armstrong, of Huntsville, made the list for both tax and accounting services. Founded in 1990, the firm has 27 CPAs in Alabama.
Russell Thompson Butler & Houston LLP, of Mobile, was recommended for its tax services. Founded in 1987, it has 17 CPAs in Alabama.