12 businesses in Made in Alabama showcase; BBA ‘lands’ billboard in San Francisco; Austal awarded $144 million contract; Rexel to acquire Birmingham-based Mayer

Twelve Alabama businesses will exhibit their products today at the State Capitol for the inaugural Made in Alabama Showcase.

12 state businesses featured in Made in Alabama showcase

Twelve Alabama businesses will exhibit their products today at the State Capitol for the inaugural Made in Alabama Showcase. Gov. Kay Ivey selected the businesses as part of Manufacturing Month. The businesses represent seven congressional districts. – Alabama Political Reporter


BBA ‘lands’ billboard in San Francisco

The Birmingham Business Alliance has purchased a billboard in San Francisco touting the company Landing’s announcement that it would relocate from that city to Birmingham. The billboard includes contact info for BBA and its CEO, Ron Kitchens. – AL.com

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Austal awarded $144 million for two new Navy ships

Austal USA in Mobile has been awarded a $144 million contract modification for the design and construction of two T-ATS Steel Navajo class Towing, Salvage and Rescue ships for the U.S. Navy. The contract provides for up to three additional ships, which could bring the contract to $385 million. – NBC 15


Rexel to acquire Birmingham-based Mayer

The French company Rexel has reached an agreement to acquire Mayer, a Birmingham-based major distributor of electrical products and services. Mayer, founded in 1930, has 68 branches in 12 states, with a strong presence in Alabama, Florida, Georgia and Pennsylvania.  – GlobeNewswire


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