Huntsville, AL – Plans for the new Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering are moving forward swiftly with Redstone Federal Credit Union’s commitment to donate $3 million.
At a June 28, 2019 event, Redstone President and CEO Joe Newberry announced a gift of $3 million — the largest contribution to the school’s foundation to date. It will be paid out over 10 years. The money will be used to support the construction and establishment of the statewide magnet school.
“Education is a wonderful mechanism for bringing positive change to a community,” Newberry said. “This gift to the Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering Foundation provides another opportunity for us to give back to our thriving communities. The benefits realized will continue for generations to come.”
The residential magnet school will provide academically motivated Alabama students with educational opportunities and experiences in the rapidly growing fields of cyber technology and engineering. The school will also assist a broad range of teachers, administrators, and superintendents across the state in replicating cyber technology and engineering studies in their own schools.
The school’s foundation board is excited about the ongoing and productive conversations with potential industry and government partners, including the FBI and the U.S. Army leadership at Redstone Arsenal.
“We are talking to them about the curriculum and exercises needed to grow a ready workforce,’’ said Pat Sullivan, ASCTE foundation board member.
The City of Huntsville also agreed to purchase land for the permanent school site in Cummings Research Park.
The school will open in an interim site at the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s Bevill Center in August 2020. Its first classes will be 10th and 11th grades, with additional grades added through 2025 to accommodate students in grades 7 – 12.
“These are exciting milestones for the future of education in Alabama and for young people across the state who dream of next-generation careers,” Governor Kay Ivey said in a prepared statement.
“The Alabama School of Cyber Technology and Engineering will be a unique institution, preparing students all across the state with the skills they need for jobs that will be in high demand,” the governor said.