Three Montgomery groups have released a draft of a new, block-by-block development plan for downtown with a goal of growing downtown tourism and capitalizing on the riverfront.
The plan was drafted and presented by the Montgomery Chamber, the City of Montgomery and the Montgomery County Commission.
“As we’ve seen in other cities and communities, intentional development of Montgomery’s downtown can change the course of economic development and quality of place for many years to come,” said Cedric Campbell, the Montgomery Chamber’s chairman of the board and chairman of the Downtown Steering Committee. “Partners, stakeholders, City of Montgomery, Montgomery County, Maxwell Air Force Base and residents we can’t thank you enough for accepting this challenge and for taking this journey with us to drive economic growth for downtown, our community and the region. You’ve been a vital partner through this process, so thank you — for your partnership and support.”
The detailed plan includes five goals: Create a safe and active downtown, continue building downtown as a tourist destination, improve the visitor and residential experience, be a riverfront city and diversify the downtown economy.
The Downtown Plan Draft is available online at envisionmontgomery2040.org/downtown and will be available on the Chamber’s website, montgomerychamber.com. The community can review the plan through Oct. 31 and make comments directly on the envision website.