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Kim Lewis

Kim Lewis named president of the Calhoun College Foundation board

Kim Lewis has been named president of the Calhoun College Foundation board of directors. She is the first African American to serve in the role, succeeding Rex Cheatham.

“As we move forward into our 2022-2024 presidential cycle, we look forward to the great things Kim will do not only for the college but for our students as well. Her influence and commitment as a board member assisted us in becoming stronger and more thoughtful in our philanthropic approaches, and we know that she has even more great things in mind for our future,” said Johnette Davis, Calhoun College Foundation director.

A graduate of Calhoun Community College, Lewis is the co-founder and CEO of PROJECTXYZ, an engineering, logistics and technology company that also serves the manufacturing, alternative energy and international foreign military industries.

Lewis serves on several local, regional and national boards and has been recognized with numerous awards and honors. She also published her first book earlier this year.

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“This appointment is very near and dear to my heart, as Calhoun provided me with the steppingstones I needed to be where I am today. Without the computer science courses I took at Calhoun, I don’t think my love, drive and passion for what I do today would be possible,” Lewis said.

Calhoun College Foundation

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