Conecuh Brands LLC has broken ground on its new distillery, Conecuh Ridge, in Troy. The distillery will produce Clyde May’s Alabama whiskey, bourbon and rye.
The distillery has been years in the making. The whiskey is named for Clyde May, a World War II veteran who is known for making moonshine.
“We distribute Clyde May’s brand in all 50 states and internationally as well. However, this groundbreaking permanently establishes the brand’s home in Troy, Alabama. Clyde May, the man, a WW II war hero, a family man and expert whiskey maker got his start in this part of the country. Our distillery preserves his legacy for generations to come,” said Roy Danis, president and CEO of Conecuh Brands LLC.
The distillery will be built on 76 acres and was designed by Luckett & Farley of Kentucky. Initially, a 24-inch column still will be in operation with room for additional stills. The current plan includes a rickhouse with a 10,000-barrel capacity, gift shop, restaurant and tasting room.
“The City of Troy is excited to bring the next phase of the Clyde May Distillery project as we celebrate the beginning of construction. This addition to our community will provide economic impact and tourist opportunities very unique for our state,” said Troy Mayor Jason Reeves.
One of the features of the distillery is an immersive experience that will capture the local tradition and Clyde May’s trailblazing ingenuity. The distillery grounds will include a mill, still house, rick house and bottling factory, in addition to the restaurant, gift shop, apple orchard, museum and amphitheater.
Construction on the distillery is expected to be complete in the spring of 2023, with production beginning immediately and the first product produced from the facility projected for release in 2027.
Conecuh Brands is headquartered in New York and produces multiple brands of beverages. In addition to Clyde May’s Whiskey, the company produces Prospero Tequila and McConnell’s Irish Whisky.