Bryant Bank has donated $100,000 to the University of Alabama in Huntsville’s College of Nursing. The current disbursement is part of a 30-year pledge of $3 million from the bank to the college. The commitment goes to support a nursing scholarship plan called Early Promotion into UAH Nursing Program, or EPNP.
Established in 2014, the EPNP is an honors program offered to qualified students who enter UAH as freshmen and declare nursing as their major. Through this program, the students can take all the lower division nursing coursework on UAH’s campus and are guaranteed placement in upper division nursing courses. EPNP provides students an opportunity to have enriched freshmen and sophomore years in the UAH Honors College in preparation for admittance into upper division nursing coursework.
“We are excited and proud to be able to provide another $100,000 gift to the UAH College of Nursing for the Excellence in Nursing scholarship program,” said Ken Watson, Bryant Bank’s Huntsville market president. “Through this contribution, Bryant Bank has now given $800,000 over the past eight years to help UAH continue to recruit outstanding undergraduate nursing school students.”
Bryant Bank was founded in 2005 by Paul Bryant Jr. The bank currently has 16 branches and one loan production office in five of Alabama’s six largest markets, employing more than 260 bankers.