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Bonnie Evelyn

Bonnie Evelyn Named Cigna Market President for Georgia/Alabama.

Cigna named Bonnie Evelyn as market president for its health care and related benefits plans in Georgia/Alabama. Evelyn serves employer clients with over 500 plan employees, ensuring Cigna’s offerings meet client and customer needs for affordable, predictable and simple health care.

She leads the team in working with health care professionals, health systems, employers, brokers and community partners to deliver innovative solutions that improve health regionally. With more than 25 years’ industry experience, Evelyn serves as Cigna’s president of the Taft-Hartley and Federal Business segment and will continue to lead this business as market president.

She was previously vice president of producer relations and U.S. individual market director for Florida and Tennessee. Prior to joining Cigna, Evelyn held senior leadership positions at CBIZ and Aetna. She received her B.A. degree from the State University of New York at Buffalo and studied law at Georgia State School of Law.

Bloomfield, Connecticut

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